Regular Visits to a Veterinarian in Tustin

by | Mar 22, 2013 | Articles

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Some pet owners put off bringing their animals to the vet due to financial restraints, lack of time or due to the difficulty of transporting their chaotic cat or dog. However, regular visits to a qualified veterinarian in Tustin can greatly reduce your pet’s risk of developing a wide range of health conditions and diseases through preventative healthcare. The frequency of visiting the vet will ultimately depend on the health of the animal and the need for medical treatments and procedures. Learn more about the many reasons why regular visits to the vet are the best thing you can do for your pet.

What the Vet Can Do for You
Veterinarians can provide many different services to pets of all kinds, including diagnostic, preventative and medical care. Regular vaccinations are the most common reason to visit a veterinarian in Tustin. Vaccinations can protect both cats and dogs against a number of fatal diseases, including rabies and parovirus. At regular visits, your vet can also provide a thorough examination to check your pet’s body for lumps and bumps, and his mouth for oral tumors and tooth decay.

When to Bring Your Pet to the Vet
If your animal companion is simply not acting like himself, there may be a medical cause to blame. There are some common signs and symptoms that could indicate a health problem in your pet. This includes a poor appetite, weight loss, lethargy, depression, inactivity, loose stools, diarrhea or blood in the urine. If your pet is vomiting or showing other signs of illness, consult with your vet.

How Often to Visit the Vet
Unless your pet is injured or ill, you may only need to visit your vet for routine procedures, such as vaccinations or physical examinations. Generally, dogs and cats under 10 years of age should visit the vet annually. Pets that are 10 years of age or older should visit the vet at least every six months. Of course, an immediate call to the vet should be made in the case of a serious illness, injury or worsening of a current condition.

What to Look for in a Vet
Since your pet’s healthcare needs are lifelong, you’ll want to find a vet that meets all of your pet’s special needs. Ask for recommendations for a vet in your area that is compassionate, experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of pet healthcare. Also make note of what services each facility provides to determine which is best for your cat or dog.

Owner and lead veterinarian Dr. Jeffrey Horn is experienced in all aspects of animal diagnostics, treatments and pet care, visit for more information.

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