2 Things to Look For When Choosing an Attorney in MN for MSRS Benefit Help

by | Jul 10, 2021 | law

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Have you been injured on the job, causing an early retirement? Are you paying for expensive medical bills as a result of your injury and now require assistance with not only paying your medical bills but also your other financial obligations? Have you applied for disability benefits and retirement benefits only to be denied? If yes, then you may need to hire an attorney to help you obtain the benefits you deserve. Here are two things to look for when searching for and choosing an attorney to help you with your circumstances.

Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS)

One of the top things to look for when searching for and choosing an attorney for help is that they specialize in MSRS plans. Hiring this type of attorney or lawyer will ensure you will be provided with the expertise needed to appeal and possibly overturn the benefit denial.

Several Years of Expertise

Another thing to look for when searching for and choosing the best attorney for help is that they should have over two decades’ worth of legal MSRS expertise. Choosing legal counsel who has this extensive knowledge and experience will give you the advantage as they are trained in navigating the complex process of appealing benefit denials.

Searching for the Experts Who Can Help in Minnesota

Perhaps you are now searching for the best attorney who specializes in MSRS in MN with the above-mentioned traits but are becoming overwhelmed with your search. Here is a tip. When searching for the leading legal experts that specialize in MSRS in MN, consider choosing a law firm that provides free initial consultations. Choosing this type of law firm will provide you with cost-saving benefits, allowing you to seek sound legal advice without any upfront costs to you.

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