24 Hour Emergency Vet Service and Dog Grooming Is Available in Crofton

by | May 8, 2013 | Articles

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You are awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of your dog throwing up. When you get up to see what is wrong, you find the poor pooch pacing and whining as though he’s in pain. Of course your first thought is he needs to be seen by the vet, but it’s two in the morning and your vet doesn’t come in until nine. Fortunately for you and your dog, there are veterinary clinics that are open 24/7 for emergencies such as these. Pet owners consider their furry friends to be a part of the family and they want them to be treated as such. Excellent veterinary care for their pets is as important to them as good health care for their family members.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, call your vet’s office and the answering service can give you the location and phone number of the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. It is best to call the clinic before leaving your house so they are aware of the pet’s condition before you arrive. Once there your pet will be given a thorough examination by a highly qualified veterinarian. Tests will be run if necessary to aid in the diagnosis. Hopefully your pet’s illness is not serious enough that it can’t be remedied by medication. Soon you will be on your way home with peace of mind knowing your pet is on the road to recovery.

The clinics are not just there for emergency cases. They offer all the same services you would expect from your vet. You can take your pet there for immunization, check ups, lab work, spaying and neutering, and grooming. All these services are offered 24/7 same as emergency care. This is an advantage for pet owners whose work schedule prevents them from visiting the vet’s office during normal business hours.

If your dog needs a trim, you can drop him off for Dog Grooming Crofton in the afternoon, go to work, then pick him up in the evening. This emergency veterinary clinic employs an excellent groomer if you are interested in Dog Grooming Crofton.

Hopefully you will never need the services of an emergency veterinary clinic, but it is reassuring to know one is close by if you do.

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