3 Highly Effective Strategies to Empower and Motivate Your Workforce

by | Dec 2, 2022 | Business

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Disengaged employees are bad for business, costing the economy billions of dollars a year in lost productivity. Part of a manager’s job is to boost employee morale so they feel invested in the work that they do. Here are three simple strategies for keeping staff engaged and contributing towards your company’s growth.

Strategies to Empower and Motivate Your Workforce

  1. Recognition Rituals

Recognition can be a powerful motivator in the workplace. Some forms of workplace recognition include employee of the month awards, birthdays, and work anniversaries. Not only does this validate the recognized employee’s work, it helps other employees set their own workplace goals.

  1. Outsource Motivation to a Professional

Following the same routine everyday can breed boredom in your workforce, so it’s necessary to introduce something new every once in a while. Motivational or business keynote speakers can renew an employee’s sense of purpose and passion for their work. Typically, business speakers are able to tailor the content of their speech to their audience’s needs, so when hiring make sure that the speaker understands your particular needs.

  1. Opportunities for Advancement

For daily motivation, provide employees with opportunities to develop new skills, take on leadership roles, and grow within the company. By highlighting the opportunities for advancement in the organization, your employees will find more purpose in their work and be motivated to stay.

To propel your company to the next level, it’s important to keep your staff inspired. If you need a business keynote speaker to inspire your team and help bring productivity to the next level, contact Brian Bartes

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