3 Things to Look Out For When Hiring a Contractor

by | Dec 8, 2016 | Construction and Maintenance

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When it comes to building your dream office, there’s a lot to consider – most importantly, you have to consider who will be doing the actual building. Choosing a contractor is not easy when you aren’t sure what to look for – but with these three simple tips, that won’t be an issue.


First and foremost, focus on a contractor’s reputation. What do other clients and companies have to say about them? Have they ever been surrounded by controversy? Are their testimonials good, and genuine? Reputation will tell you a lot about a company, especially in the day and age of the Internet.

Experience and Qualification

The construction industry is one filled with written qualifications and certifications, and for good reasons – it’s a very dangerous and complex field of work, requiring excellent teamwork and very careful, thorough, step-by-step planning.

As per the OSHA, the dangers of construction are not to be taken lightly. Over 4,300 workers die per year on the job due to falls, crushing, electrocution or other hazards. It’s a tough workplace, to say the least. That’s why you need to be sure the contractor you’re working with has the experience and the qualification to carry on with any project with the utmost confidence in every member of the contractor’s crew.


If what you need is a contractor with years of experience in the field of medical office construction, then you need to specifically pour your efforts towards vetting your potential contractors based on said experience.

By working together with a specialized contractor like Petrucelli Contracting, you can ensure that all that experience goes to good use on a building or office where their years have actionable use.

With these three simple tips, you can easily narrow down the results on your local shortlist and come up with the two best – or even the best – option, and make your decision. Construction may be filled with challenges and complications, but what ultimately matters is that you choose a contractor you can work with – because in the end, it’s your ability to work together that spells the success or the doom of an office project.

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