3 Tips for Creating a Great Print Marketing Campaign That Sells

by | Dec 14, 2020 | printing

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While there’s no denying that digital marketing is on the rise, this doesn’t lessen the importance of a good print marketing campaign. You only need to search for large format printers near me to find plenty of services that will print up your banners, posters, flyers, and brochures. However, before you begin looking for a printing service, consider these pointers in creating a more effective print marketing campaign.

Sensationalism Sells

Your posters and banners should emphasize the name of your business and the selling points that your customers will value the most. The print for these details should be large and bold to grab the attention of those passing by your posters and other promotional materials. You can also use color and animated characters to bring extra attention to points you want to emphasize.

Never Forget Contact Information

Even though this is print media, you should always include the address for your website. If you have a brick and mortar store, include that physical address and your business phone number. In including this information, be sure to phrase it within a call to action. When you urge consumers to contact your business, they will feel more welcome to explore your brand.

Include Tracking Information

It makes little sense to continue posting ads and posters in areas where you’re not getting a good response. Online, this is called data analytics and it’s fairly easy to track. In the real world, this becomes more challenging. The best way to track the performance of a print campaign is to include a different coupon code, business phone number, or web page address on each flyer or poster. Keeping track of the number of customers who respond with those unique identifiers will help you measure which printed ads are getting the best exposure.

If you don’t know of a business that supplies the printing services you need, a quick online search will provide plenty of results. When you search for large format printers near me, Google will use your location to provide localized results.

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