One of the biggest myths or misunderstandings for consumers in Victoria is to assume that debt consultants are only an option in cases of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or repossession of items. Some people also mistakenly believe that debt consultants only offer one or two solutions, which could not be further from the truth.
Unsure About the Options
The debt consultants from 4 Pillars provide a highly personalized approach to debt management based on the specifics of the client. It is not uncommon for people to believe bankruptcy is the only way out of their financial solution. After visiting 4 Pillars, they discover they have other options that may allow them to maintain all of their assets and still get out of debt.
Challenges with Budgets
If budgeting is a struggle or trying to stretch your budget becomes an issue, talking to the 4 Pillars debt consultants can help to create a workable solution. By prioritizing required payments and cutting back on extras and luxury types of purchases, budgeting plans can be developed to address debt.
Rebuilding Credit
In Victoria, as well as across the country, people need to consider their credit scores. This determines interest rates, options for loans and lines of credit, and even the ability to make large purchases such as vehicles and homes. Debt consultants work with clients to systemically rebuild credit over time.
Second Opinion
Working with a debt consultant can help to clarify the choices you have as a consumer. Getting a second opinion on a plan you have developed or one that is not customized to your needs helps to prevent time and effort wasted in tackling debt.