If you ask what the most prevalent disease in humans is and think about the common cold, you’re wrong. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the most frequent. In fact, tooth decay affects 60-90% of school children world-wide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It only affects children, but also the adult population, and it can lead to tooth loss. To avoid this, here are four tips to curb tooth decay, brought to you by your local Dentist In Stratford CT.
- Practice good oral hygiene
- In the mouth, saliva, bacteria and food debris form plaque on the surface of teeth. If plaque is not removed every so often, it ends up attacking the enamel surface of the teeth, creating decay and holes.
- Watch your diet
- Contrary to popular belief, sugar and sweets are not the main cause of tooth decay. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates (starch) contribute more to this as they adhere to the teeth and form acids that stay in contact longer with enamel. Dried fruit juices and acids are not recommended. Moreover, it is appropriate to include essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins C and D in your diet.
- Enrich your teeth with fluoride
- Fluoride creates a protective layer on the tooth surface, hardening the enamel and making it stronger. We can ingest foods such as tea, gelatin, fish (sardines, salmon, seafood, etc.), chicken or fluoridated water much better with the help of fluoride. However, food usually contains a low proportion of fluorine, so that it is especially useful if you don’t have enough in your toothpaste or mouthwash.
- Visit your dentist
- As mentioned, tooth decay may present no symptoms, so it is important that you see your local Dentist In Stratford CT once or twice a year. If you do not treat decay, it may lead to a dental abscess (collection of pus inside the tooth) or destruction of dental pulp.
Symptoms that present themselves might consist of:
- Toothache or painful sensation in the teeth , especially after drinking or eating sweets, or consuming hot or cold foods; and/or
- Visible pits or holes in the teeth.
Tooth decay is a disease so common that it is sometimes underestimated. Being able to destroy the hardest substance in our body, which is enamel, you should pay more attention to this issue. For more information, schedule a consultation with Larry I Gottlieb DDS Stratford CT today.