Many cosmetic surgeons offer a service called blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. This surgical procedure changes and alters the appearance, shape, and size of the eye.
If you are considering undergoing eyelid surgery in CT, it is important to understand the procedure. Understanding the procedure will help you determine if this is an appropriate cosmetic surgery for you.
What Exactly is Involved with the Eyelid Surgery?
Eyelid surgery is often misleading. Many people assume that this procedure involves the alteration or change of the physical eyelid by ‘lifting’ it up. Unfortunately, that is not what is done during this surgical procedure.
What is done to your eyes will depend upon which type of eyelid surgery you are having performed by a cosmetic surgeon. There is an upper eyelid surgery and a lower eyelid surgery.
When upper eyelid surgery is being performed, it involves the skin above the eye. Typically, excessive skin or fat will accumulate around the eye and make it appear bulky or droopy. Upper eyelid surgery allows the surgeon to create an incision above the eye, remove excess skin, and create a new -; thinner -; eyelid crease.
Lower eyelid surgery, on the other hand, is very similar. The only difference is the procedure is performed on the lower area below the eye or lash line. The procedure still involves removing excessive fat or skin that creates the appearance of droopy eyes.
Why Would a Patient Want Eyelid Surgery?
The reason for choosing to undergo eyelid surgery in CT typically varies. The reasons can range from a want/need to look younger to a desire to change the physical appearance of an individual.
Upper eyelid surgery is typically chosen by individuals who do not like the puffy or heavy look to their eye. This look can often age an individual. Lower eyelid surgery is chosen for similar reasons, but it can also help with visible signs of wrinkles.
Individuals who are in good health and are considering undergoing eyelid surgery -; both upper and lower eyelid surgery may want to consider the surgeons at Connecticut Surgical Arts LLC. These surgeons are trained and qualified to offer eyelid surgery.