The Christian Community Supports each other with Prayer

by | Feb 18, 2014 | Articles

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Whether you are a Christian or someone in trouble, a prayer request can offer you the support of an entire community. Christians believe in the power of prayer and support each other in times of trouble. The internet has opened up a whole new line of communication for Christian communities who can reach out together, share their love of God and support each other through prayer. If you are struggling and feel you have no where to turn the Christian community is always willing to help those who are feeling lost or alone.

Asking for Faith

One of the things a prayer group can do is to pray for you to strengthen your faith. Although some prayer groups just sit in a group and continue to pray for small problem after small problem a prayer request with a community that understands prayer has a completely different focus. A Christian prayer group with great faith prays to God with thanks and requests that God reach you and encourage you to see the strength of his words. They will pray to strengthen your faith so you can open your heart to God. The more open your heart the more you will feel his presence and the more you will see your life improve.

Paul’s Prayer in Ephesians

A good example of effective group prayer is found in Paul’s prayer in Ephesians. His sole focus is on asking God to give those he prays for wisdom and revelation. He prays for this because he knows that by doing so it will introduce them to God and allow them to know God better. He asks that hearts are enlightened so that they will know hope. He also prays that people see the power that God provided to us when he sent Christ to the world and raised him from the dead. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God and together they watch over us with love.

A prayer request can help you develop your faith as the prayers of others helps God’s light find you. You will feel his love and open you heart to him. It is when you open your heart that you will begin to feel your life improve.

A prayer request can offer you the support of an entire community and God’s love. Visit website to join the community or make your request.

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