Keep your Sales and Service Team Safe on the Road with a Towing Service

by | Jun 6, 2014 | Articles

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Whether you have one or two drivers on the road or a few trucks and some sales people it would be nice to offer them a trustworthy tow service they can depend on to assist in case of a breakdown or flat. Many smaller companies might have an assortment of vehicles on the road but don’t think about what might happen in the case of a breakdown. One of the easiest things you can do is a find a dependable company with a tow truck Edmonton drivers can use regardless of their vehicle type. Here are some of the benefits to having a company with the tow truck Edmonton needs be it for vans, trucks or cars:

Safety and Service

When your team is out on the road there should be two concerns that are top of mind for you: 1) their safety and 2) their service. If you leave things to chance that they will arrive safe and on time you could be faced with a challenge should anything go wrong. You are not only putting their safety in jeopardy but you are also taking a chance with your reputation. By providing a dependable tow truck to your team you will always know they are safe and your customers will be satisfied.

Better Organization

When you have a procedure in place for staff to follow in case of a breakdown or other driving issues they will know exactly what to do. Whether it is an accident, running out of gas or a flat, working with a single tow company will allow you to provide contact information to your team so they know who to call and what to do with any vehicle issues that arrive. This way everyone knows when they need a tow truck in Edmonton they simply speed dial your service and they will be taken care of 24/7 in under an hour. No angry or worried staff, no dodgy dealings with unknown tow truck drivers. Just an easy and safe procedure everyone knows how to follow.

It is your responsibility to keep your team safe. By finding an Edmonton area towing service that is quick, trustworthy and available 24/7 you can feel good knowing they will be taken care of should the need arise. It is also a bit of a selling point if you are recruiting and will also make things easier when it comes time to pay the bills.

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