Using An SSDI Attorney And Tips To Get Your Disability Benefits

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Articles

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Every year, thousands and thousands of people file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This insurance is protection that offers financial assistance to those who are unable to work full-time due to a disability. In order to qualify for these benefits you need to have worked long enough and will need to have paid into your Social Security. However, qualifying and receiving these benefits isn’t always easy. Let’s look at some information you can use to increase your chances.

For starters, having a SSDI Attorney on your side will definitely increase your chances of being granted SSDI benefits. SSDI attorneys are familiar with the variety of nuances involved in the application process. They can help you prepare your application or prepare your appeal in the event your application is denied.

Being denied SSDI benefits is actually a very common thing. The professionals at these agencies are very thorough with their applicants, and are often times very skeptical about certain claims. Why? Far too many applicants attempt to commit fraud in order to receive benefits that they’re not due.

If you’re denied, you stand a better chance of appealing this decision if you can get someone to help you with your paperwork. You have 60 days to file your appeal after being denied, and the information you need to provide can get confusing.

Using an SSDI Attorney and getting extra help can be beneficial, but you should still focus on your initial application. Initial applications need to be filed as soon as you discover you’re disabled. Why? The longer you wait the longer it’ll take to get approved. It could take months before you application is seen and approved. Filing as soon as possible can also prevent your disability insurance from expiring.

As you can see, you can experience a lot of pitfalls in your attempt to get SSDI. It’s important to talk with an attorney at the William D. McGillicuddy Law Office PC for assistance. Your attorney will help you file your initial application, and will help you prepare your appeal in the event your application is denied. Lastly, please remember that the approval process takes a long time, so file as soon as possible to receive your benefits faster.

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