Gutters and Gutter Guards

by | Nov 23, 2018 | Home Improvement

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Gutters and Gutter Guards

Many people tend to ignore their gutters. In Kentucky, gutters are often a neglected part of the home until something goes wrong. Even when preparing a home for sale, some people will not pay attention to the need to have their rain gutters look good. Yet, keeping your gutters looking great can be easily accomplished by installing a Gutter Guards in Lexington KY.

What are Gutter Guards and Toppers?

Gutter guards or toppers are defined as a means of protecting and extending the life of your rain gutters. They are placed on the installed gutters. Materials vary according to the company that makes them. Gutter Toppers, for example, are made from aluminum. Other gutter guards are comprised of different materials including mesh, foam and nylon.

Types of Gutter Protection

Gutter guards are manufactured of different types of materials. They also are available in two basic types. Some cover the gutters entirely in a solid roof of protection. Others are nets that, while covering the entire system of gutters, allow water to enter but not anything else. This type, manufactured of mesh or aluminum or synthetics, filters out the debris.

Advantages of Guards for Gutters

Overall, gutter guards are protective devises. They are there to ensure certain objects do not block the flow of water through the gutters and into a water barrel or your lawn. People install them for several reasons including:

  • Prevention of blockage of the water because of debris including leaves, and other plant parts
  • Stops instances of overflowing gutters
  • Prevents the nesting of birds and mice – also a source of blockage of water
  • Decreases the potential expense of hiring a professional to clean out the gutters
  • Reduces the number of times you may have to hire someone to clean your gutters in at least half
  • Inhibits rust build-up from moisture
  • Eliminates long periods of standing water that is conducive to the breeding of mosquitoes and other insects.
  • If rated for fire protection they eliminate the chances of sparks catching and carrying the fire into the roof and home

Across the United States, including the city of Kentucky, gutters are not given enough thought. They are a neglected component of the roofing system. Until something occurs, people often forget about their existence. To this particular group, the addition of some form of guard for gutters inevitably proves to be beneficial.

Interested in having gutter guards installed on a home’s existing gutters or replacing the entire gutter system? Contact us to request an estimate today to get the project started.

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