If you have been denied a promotion because you refused your boss’s request for sexual favors, then you have a cause for action under the law. Denying you a comfortable work environment because of sexual innuendos or sexual jokes are forms of sexual harassment. These actions on the part of management or employees create a hostile work environment which is against the Federal law.
Cartoons that depict women in an unfavorable light or that highlight certain features of their anatomy are forms of sexual harassment. Male colleagues that tell lewd jokes in front of women are harassing their female colleagues. Posting pictures of nude women in the work site where they can be seen is a form of sexual harassment.
Of course, the most despicable and illegal form of harassment is a woman being constantly asked by her boss for a date when she has said no. Even more despicable is the boss who pointedly asks for sex in return for the woman being able to keep her job. Unwanted touching is another intolerable problem.
Often women are reluctant to report these kinds of actions to higher management because they fear termination, and many women have been terminated in the past for making a report to their management. More often, their work life is made so uncomfortable they just quit.
If you have experienced sexual harassment and you are suffering physical and emotional problems because of it, or if you have been terminated for reporting harassment or for refusing to give in, then you need to talk with the Employment Attorneys in Schaumburg. They have a lot of experience in this area of the civil rights law. You do not have to suffer through this alone, and you may be able to recover financial damages for the wrong you have suffered.
You can have an attorney who will stand with you in your battle to retain your job or in obtaining compensation because you lost it. Your attorney with the Employment Attorneys in Schaumburg will help you regain your dignity and your self-esteem. Call North Suburban Legal Services LLC for a free consultation.