Post-Root Canal Treatment at Your Dentist in Lawnside

by | Oct 28, 2014 | Articles

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Getting any kind of dental treatment is a hassle, or at least that’s what people thought. With dental technology improving by the month, your local Dentist in Lawnside can help you improve your smile within a few hours. However, there are some cases where pain could be involved, whether it is before a visit or after. A root canal is one of those times. This article will discuss what a patient should do to minimize pain after treatment.

After root canal treatment

Patients can sometimes experience mild, transient pain for a few days after root canal treatment. If the pain is persistent, they should contact their doctor. A root canal is a complex treatment, which depends on the extent to which bacteria is controlled. If inflammation persists after a root canal, the Dentist in Lawnside may have to go back in for another go at it. Then again, the dentist may refer the patient to a specialist where a new treatment can be attempted with the use of special equipment.

In some cases, a normal root canal through the crown of the tooth is needed. This can be due to the fact that the root canal may be blocked with a space from an earlier dental treatment. In these cases, it is always necessary to remove the inflammation. Operations succeed depending on the situation, around 60-90% of cases.

The missing tooth structure can be replaced in different ways. If root canal treatment has been successfully achieved, the tooth may be immediately provided with a permanent replacement for the lost tooth structure. If there is a doubt about the outcome of root canal treatment, the Dentist in Lawnside can provide an intermediate solution. After an observation period of one year, the dentist will take an x-ray showing whether the root canal was managed satisfactorily.

If the root canal treatment is successful, the final treatment is performed. A root canal treated tooth does not respond the same way to pressure as a normal tooth because there is no root canal. This means that you might be unknowingly overloading a treated tooth. In some cases, there is only one way to deal with a bad tooth and that is to pull the tooth out. To know if this is something that needs to be done in your case, contact your local emergency dentist today.

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