How The Pedestrian Lawyer In Stafford VA Helps You In Your Pedestrian Accident Claim Process

by | Mar 9, 2015 | Articles

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Pedestrian accidents comprise a good percent of the road accidents that happen in the country today. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that more than 70,000 pedestrians die annually in car accidents in the country. The officers in the Traffic Safety Department also indicate that pedestrian accidents occur due to numerous traffic factors that both the pedestrians and drivers fail to observe.

If you are a victim in a pedestrian car accident, you should involve a competent Pedestrian Lawyer in Stafford VA area, as they will follow all the legal processes to ensure that the claim process is quick and rewarding. Most of the pedestrian accidents arise due to:

Speeding motorists

Failure to adhere to traffic signals

Motorists disregarding traffic and weather conditions

Inattentive motorists

Driving under the influence of drugs and other intoxicants

Failure of the motorists to show signals when switching lanes

It is not easy for a victim of pedestrian accident to pursue a claim successfully without the help of experienced and competent accident lawyers, as the legal process is complicated. The accident lawyers will do the following to process your pedestrian accident claim:

Carry out a thorough investigation and accomplish the paperwork: Your lawyer will look for professionals to probe for the cause and all aspects of the crash. The lawyer will also put into writing whatever the witnesses present and file a report, and ensure that the doctors and witnesses produce particular forms to facilitate the claim.

Monitor your medical care and treatment: If you do not have a health insurance, the lawyer will look for you a doctor who will provide quality medical treatment on a lien basis.

Represent you in all negotiations: The accident lawyer you hire will negotiate with the insurance company on the amount of the claim you should get. The agent will place a value of your claim and present it to the insurance company. If the insurance company fails to honor the claim value, the agent will then initiate the litigation process.

Represent you in litigation: If your claim fails to go through, the Pedestrian Lawyer in Stafford VA can work as a litigation lawyer and prepare your case for arbitration, mediation and trial.

If you are a pedestrian accident victim looking for a competent Pedestrian Lawyer, you should look no further than at Their services are relevant and affordable.
Find more about Pedestrian Lawyer

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