The Basics of Courier Service Companies in India

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Articles

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India – Global Shipping Giant

India has become a world competitive economic giant, with a gross domestic product (GDP) which is growing and expected to continue its growth by at least 7% in the next few years, surpassing Japan’s GDP. All of its fast, international growth in a variety of industries, including international courier services, is due to the Indian government launching programs like the National Highways Development Program. This program was designed to modernize, integrate, and expand India’s transportation systems.

Popular Courier Service Cities within India

International courier companies were invited by this nation to form a partnership. As such, global courier shipping giants set up base in India. These companies include Fed Ex, DHL, UPS, TNT, and are based throughout cities within India. There are also many domestic and India to USA courier service companies which are thriving by taking advantage of the several major hub cities being utilized from all over the world:

Mumbai: Formerly known as Bombay, Mumbai is India’s largest city, known for having the biggest economy, being the most industrialized city in the Nation, and is the country’s principal financial service and entertainment center.

Delhi: Delhi is India’s second largest city and is home to its national capital, New Delhi. Delhi is the favorite foreign shipping destination in India. It is also home to a fast growing economy driven by the service sectors.

Bangalore: Bangalore is India’s third-largest city. It is internationally known as the Silicon Valley of India. Bangalore features the highest share of IT exports and the largest number of biotech companies of any Indian city.

Kolkata: Kolkata was initially called Calcutta. It is India’s fourth-largest city and the main commercial capital for eastern and northeastern India. Kolkata is home to a number of foreign and domestic firms, banks and financial institutions.

Chennai: Chennai was known as Madras and is India’s fifth-largest metropolitan city. It is one of India’s fastest growing IT and biotech sectors and has the reputation of being the Detroit of India, because of the automakers, domestic and foreign industries setting up shop there.

Hyderabad: Hyderabad is India’s sixth largest metro area. It is home to several world-class institutions with foreign collaborations, and accounts for 23% of India’s software professionals.

India Benefits as an International Courier

These factors have made using India to USA courier services a preferred route. Other benefits which help to make a successful courier system is India’s young population and fast growing middle class, which makes it very attractive for U.S. Exporters. In the early 1990’s, India further established a policy which lowered tariff rates and reduced government controls on foreign trade and investments with a law entitled “Statement on Industrial Policy.” Since these government programs and policies were established, the Indian economy has risen greatly with its global, international courier, as well as importing and exporting shipping partners.

Best Online Courier Presence

With all of these trading aspects, India is always destined to have one of the largest economies in the world. If you’re interested in an India to USA courier service handled by a company whose international and domestic courier services are priced competitively, often including a 50% discount – Fastway Worldwide Express. Fastway Express handles parcels, important documents, food, automobiles, medication, garments, baggage, household transports, and more, with shipments being handled safely and to each customer’s complete satisfaction.

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