Mobile Trading in India began when Geojit BNP Paribas launched Flip-Me Mobile Trading platform in 2011, which later went on to be critically acclaimed by investors. Since then, mobile trading in India has seen an explosive growth and there is widespread recognition of its necessity. Its attractiveness comes from the fact that it allows one to trade on the go and it’s easy to use.
Trading on smart phones is a simple affair, something that democratizes the otherwise closeted world of stocks and shares and puts market access right in the pockets of customers. Technology has made it possible for customers to actually take buying or selling decisions at the right time without any hassles. Application users can get real time market updates in addition to a glimpse of the constantly changing stock prices. There are tools which enable them to stream Sensex updates from stock market websites.
Mobile share trading also enables the viewing of crucial information including traded prices, price fluctuations, and percentage changes, selling and buying prices along with other exchange information. You also get a clearer picture of stock volumes with relative ease. Actual live trading is possible on mobile platforms and this is what most brokerages are offering their customers. Alongside, the viewing of crucial market data helps one stay updated and constantly in the loop even on the move.