The pain of a toothache has been described as some of the worst imaginable. While this type of pain can be intense, how can you tell if you really need to make an appointment with an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN? Knowing some of the symptoms of a dental emergency versus other common tooth ailments may help you make a better decision about the type of care you need.
Not all tooth pain is an emergency. Many people have sensitive teeth, which can cause sharp, piercing pain whenever they eat or drink something cold. This happens when a layer of dentin is exposed. Dentin is usually hidden under the gum-line or covered by enamel. While this type of pain is very uncomfortable, it goes away once the stimulus is removed. Tooth sensitivity, however, should be discussed with your dentist at a regular check-up.
Jaw pain is usually not a reason to see an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN. Unless you have been in an accident or recently injured, most jaw pain is the result of tense muscles that are in a state of spasm. This is commonly known as a TMJ disorder. It can often be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. If the pain doesn’t improve after a few weeks, a trip to the dentist is warranted.
Some tooth pain, however, is a sign of a more serious problem. If the pain is so intense that it wakes you up out of a sound sleep, it is often the sign of an infection. If left untreated, the infection may spread to the bloodstream. Seeking care at an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN is advised.
Pain that is triggered by something hot, such as coffee or soup, is also a warning sign of a dental emergency. While cold substances bother those with sensitive teeth, hot substances are usually well-tolerated. If hot temperatures begin to bother a tooth, the nerve is more than likely dying. A root canal is often indicated to try and save the tooth.
Not all types of toothaches require emergency care; however, no matter how small the problem seems, all instances of pain should be reported to your dentist. If the pain is unbearable or doesn’t go away on its own, a visit to an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN is probably the best idea. Acting early may prevent an unnecessary tooth extraction.