Millions of people swarm social media on a daily basis; this includes other businesses that could utilize your services. It is essential to understand that success is going to depend on a strong social media strategy that is implemented on a frequent basis. A good example of a successful B2B business using social media in this manner is American Express OPEN. They are a division of American Express that is dedicated to helping small businesses succeed. AMEX OPEN provides its own forum that is connected to a network of social media channels, thus making it an ‘idea Hub’ for members so they can network with industry experts. Since its launch date in 2006 it has become extremely successful and continues to attract unique visitors daily.
Implement Your Own B2B Influence Strategy
Not only do you need to be social media savvy in regards to your selling strategies, you also need to watch for successful influencers in your industry. Jasmine Sandler has introduced the topic of social selling strategies with her blog 4 Ways You Can Approach Your Social Selling Strategy that will get you noticed. Tips she includes for social listening are also viable when it comes to building B2B relations, and your own influential strategy. In order for Twitter to become an inbound marketing strategy it needs to be more than a publishing platform, you need to be aware of your standing within the online community by finding your supporters. You can start by viewing connections on Twitter profiles and making lists of bloggers, general media, and thought leaders for influencers in your industry. Look for new thought leaders too. Once you have built a strong rapport with numerous connections, it is time to drive with thought-leadership. This includes monitoring and responding with mentions from influencers on your Twitter lists.
Incentives Are Meant to Reward Your Fans
Twitter is a social media tool that also allows you to reach out to your followers by offering incentives. You can target your most active followers by giving them free downloads, trials, and other enticements that directly relate to your business. It is important to show those that actively re-tweet your content that you appreciate them. This also gives you a chance to actively engage with customers, other B2B companies, and peers. Positive reinforcement not only engages your followers, it also encourages them to continue to share your posts.
Jasmine Sandler has been providing social media advice and strategies to businesses ready to harness their potential and build a strong foundation for success. Contact her to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to learn more about her social media training programs.