Alcohol and drugs are available in every community in the United States. They may be provided to teens by peers, by adults, or even by those preying on teens and getting them involved in a life of addiction. Knowing what to look for to detect the early signs of teen substance abuse in Los Angeles is important for parents in every community.
Early Detection is Key
As children age and mature, they naturally become more independent. If parents are not at home, and many parents may be working more than one job, monitoring teens can be a challenge. Unfortunately, for some kids, teen substance abuse in Los Angeles is at an advanced stage before the family becomes aware of the significance of the addiction.
One important factor to consider is the earlier teen substance abuse in Los Angeles is detected and effective treatment is put in place the better it will be for the teen. There is less risk of associated health issues, a lower chance of school drop-out, and less chance of becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
Signs of Teen Substance Abuse in Los Angeles
Every addiction will have specific types of signs and symptoms unique to that substance. Some, such as alcohol or marijuana, may be easy to detect by their odor. Others may be much easier to hide for the teen, especially if they are using away from the home.
Signs which may indicate the possibility of teen substance abuse in Los Angeles include:
1. Sudden changes in behavior including increasing agitation, irritation or anger without warning or evident reasons.
2. Long periods of absence from the home without explanation or with incorrect information provided to the parents.
3. Stealing, dishonesty and brushes with an authority figure such as issues at school or in the community.
4. Rapid weight gain or weight loss.
5. Lack of interest in things they use to enjoy doing.
6. Increasing number of health issues such as colds, coughs, or withdrawal symptoms reported as “the flu” or a cold.
7. Changes in sleeping patterns.
8. Lack of interest in their future with no goals or plans.
9. Sudden changes in friends, often with older teens or teens known to be substance abusers within the community.
As a parent, talking to your child and teen is important. When there are good lines of communication, it can be easier to talk about teen substance abuse in Los Angeles when the first signs of changes are noted, providing early treatment and fewer risks.
At Adolescent Growth, we specialize in the treatment of teen substance abuse in Los Angeles.