Do you need money for an unexpected expense? Is it several days or more until your next paycheck? Quick cash payday loans can provide the solution to your money problems. Here is how they work and the benefits you will receive.
What is a Payday Loan?
A payday loan is designed to provide quick money for people who cannot wait for the usual loan application process. In fact, it’s possible to get the money you need on the same or very next day you apply. You repay the loan when you receive your next paycheck. This is basically all there is to quick cash payday loans.
How Do I Apply?
To apply for your loan, simply visit the website of your payday lender. A reputable lender is straightforward and honest. You can see how much money they can lend you and the fees are published at the website. For example, a lender may charge a $15 fee for every $100 you borrow. However, this is the only fee you have to pay. You won’t have to worry about loan application fees and other hidden charges you might not be aware of.
After you get to the website, just fill out the simple and easy application form. Here is what you’ll need to provide:
1. Contact information
2. Employment info
3. Social Security number
4. Checking account number
Qualifying is very easy. In fact, these qualifications are all you need:
1. A valid checking account capable of receiving direct deposits
2. 18 years of age
3. Resident of the US
4. Minimum monthly income of $1500
5. Active email address
6. Access to a fax machine – you don’t have to own a fax, as you can use a fax at a number of local businesses.
Do I Need Good Credit to Qualify?
Maybe you recently filed for bankruptcy. This is not a problem. Quick cash payday loans require no kind of credit check. You won’t have to provide credit references.
How Do I Get My Money?
Getting your money is very easy. Once your loan is approved, the money is direct deposited into your checking account. This is much more convenient than trying to cash a check at your bank.
How Do I Repay My Loan?
Repaying quick cash payday loans is extremely simple. The money is debited from your account (like a reverse direct deposit). There’s no need to send money by mail or worry about making a payment over the phone.