Going out to have good food in restaurants has become very common nowadays. With several restaurants coming up with delightful cuisines, Restaurants are a favorite destination. Japanese cuisines are a very popular choice amongst most foodies. If you are a lover of Japanese food as well, you must visit one of the excellent Japanese restaurants.
You already know about the different delicacies of Japanese restaurants. Here we can discuss about the various Japanese tools which help the chefs in making those delightful dishes. There are some items which such a restaurant must have for typical Japanese food items.
Drop lids called otoshi-butas are one such kind of tool. These have a light weight and have varying sizes. These lids are used to cover different pans for cooking food. These are wooden lids and are utilized for purposes like simmering vegetables, keeping vegetable in oil or water and so on. These lids are normally soaked in water for sometime before they are used for any purpose.
Another such necessary tool is the grater. The particular graters which are used in these restaurants are called oroshigane. These are also light weighted. They are made from tin which are clad in copper. Like any other grater, these are also used in grating vegetables, spices and herbs which are particularly used in Japanese food. One can use them like a normal grater, though it looks very different from the normal ones.
Then, there are a specific type of rolling mat. These are made up of bamboo. These rolling mats are known as makisu. The chefs use such mats to roll the different types of sushi. This helps in keeping the shushi rolls intact. Sushi rolls consist layers of different ingredients stacked together. These layers can be kept in place by using makisus.
Knives are a necessity of every kitchen. Be it is Japanese restaurant or an American eatery. However, the knives which are used by Japanese chefs are called kasumi-yaki knives. There are other types of knives available which can be used for this particular type of cuisine. However, there certainly is a difference between normal knives and kasumi-yaki knives. Their blades are not blunt at only one side. They have an even balance on both sides of the blade. Vegetables, fish, fruits and shashimi are food stuff which can be cut using kasumi-yaki knives.
Thus, just like Japanese food, the tools used to make them are also quite interesting. All these and many other applicable and food specific tools are available in the kitchens of Japanese restaurants. Manchester is a good place to begin your search for the best food destination.