How Over the Road Trucking Companies Secure Their Loads

by | Mar 11, 2016 | Transport and Freight Forwarding

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The reputation of over the road trucking companies depends on their ability to deliver cargo to the destination on time and in good condition. Safely hauling cargo means that it is strongly secured, as inadequate securing can also lead to dangerous accidents when debris falls from a fast-moving truck along the highway. There are many ways to ensure a load is secured but one of the simplest and most effective ways is with the trucker’s knot.

Making a Trucker’s Knot
The trucker’s knot is actually a compound knot comprised of a series of knots that makes it incredibly secure, yet easy to quickly release. It has been used since the days of the horse-drawn cart to keep goods secure while in transit. It uses a single length of rope, knotted in on itself several times to create a block and tackle pulley. The working portion of the rope is able to withstand a greater amount of tension from the loops of the supporting rope. The knots are prevented from loosening during transport by this tension that is created.

Trucker’s Knot Variations
Drivers who work for over the road trucking companies use several variations of the trucker’s knot. These include the false trucker’s hitch, the true trucker’s hitch and the non-slip trucker’s hitch. They all include a knot to create an eye at the top, the three to one purchase, and a hitch to secure at the end. Different type of loops can also be used but the type of loop used in the supporting rope will create different levels of stability and release speed. Professional drivers are aware of the different results that these loops provide and consider their untying needs and tension before using a certain knot.

Mechanical Advantage
The block and tackle pulley configuration of the trucker’s knot gives the rope a mechanical advantage. The mechanical advantage can range from 2-to-1 to 3-to-1 depending on the configuration of the knot and the amount of friction. In a frictionless setup, all of the force exerted on the rope goes into work on the load. But there is friction in the real world and this reduces the efficiency of the knot as the work is dissipated into heat and wear and tear on the rope. The slicker the rope, the less friction and the better the advantage.

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