Advantages of Sculpting in Fairfax County VA

by | Sep 22, 2016 | Articles

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There are many advantages to the procedure of Sculpting in Fairfax County VA. The procedure is a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn fat that does not respond to diet or exercise. There are those areas on just about everybody that seem to stay pudgy regardless of time and energy spent on slimming them down. That could be the hips, abdomen, upper arms, thighs, chest, or sides. Some fat cells just never seem to get smaller.

Traditionally, the only way to remove that stubborn fat has been surgery. There was no other option. Surgery is expensive, comes with many risks, and often requires a lengthy recovery time. People can have reactions to anesthesia, experience complications, and risk infection to the area. That is a lot of risks to take with no guarantees of satisfactory results. It is also not financially feasible for a large percentage of the population.

This new procedure takes very little time and requires no downtime at all. After the procedure is completed, people can go about their regular schedules. That is the biggest advantage. Twenty-five minutes after the procedure has begun, it is finished. Special applicators on the skin deliver light-based energy to a specific area. A tingling sensation may be experienced as the temperature alternates between cool and warm. The intervals of different temperature completely destroy twenty-five percent of the fat cells in that area. More than one area can be treated at one time.

Another advantage of Sculpting in Fairfax County VA is that results are gradual. The body naturally eliminates the destroyed cells over several weeks following the procedure. A slimmer appearance can be noticed in as soon as six weeks, with optimum results experienced within ten to fourteen weeks. People will notice a difference, but will not realize a procedure has been completed. That protects privacy for those who do not want people to know they are getting treatments done. Sculpting works on all skin types, which is another advantage. Because there is no surgery involved, costs are affordable, and risks are minimal. This procedure is only available at a few offices and clinics, such as the Tamjidi Skin Institute, for example. A consultation with a professional will begin the process. Other procedures available include laser therapy, Ultherapy, Botox and other injections, and contouring.

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