Nose rings are quickly becoming one of the most exciting forms of piercing expression. Men and women are making these fashionable statements and showing the world their true fashion sense. Unfortunately, as with several forms of piercings, nose rings aren’t allowed everywhere. Often schools, work, and other aspects of our lives, call for those who have nose rings to remove them for long periods of time. When this is the case, choosing the best retainer nose rings on the market will help you keep your piercing open while remaining discreet.
The Fit for You
As with all forms of jewelry, when choosing the retainer nose ring most suited for your piercing, its important to know your body. If you have issues with certain metals it is quite easy to find these retainers that contain no metal and are completely safe. According to the type of nose piercing you have, there are several types of retainers to choose from. Those who have opted to go with septum piercing instead of traditional nose piercing also have a wide variety of retainers to choose from that offers both style and the discretion you need for your everyday life.
Where to Shop
Looking online at the list of body jewelry and piercing companies you can choose from is quite overwhelming. This often leaves those in need of particular items wondering if they are shopping with the right company. Fortunately, it is easy to learn more about the company you are considering. While online, do a quick search of the company. There you will find customer ratings and reports of any issues they may have experienced. Trusting these customer opinions is a great way of choosing and maintaining a great working relationship with your chosen body piercing company.