Helpful Tile and Grout Cleaning Tips

by | Dec 7, 2018 | Carpet Cleaning Service

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Ceramic tile is impressive in bathrooms, but it is sometimes hard to keep it clean and looking good. You can scrub hard and try to get it clean, but tile and grout cleaning in Oklahoma City may sometimes seem impossible. However, you can get some good results when you follow these helpful cleaning tips.

Dark Grout

If you have brown or dark grout, make a paste out of white vinegar and baking soda. A toothbrush is one of the best tile and grout cleaning tools you can use in Oklahoma City. Scrub the paste into the lines of grout and let it sit for a minute or so. Rinse with water.

Light Grout

Do you have white or light colored grout? A quality oxy bleach cleaner is a good choice for this job. You can apply it with a spray bottle or buy an oxy bleach product in a spray container. Let the bleach sit for several minutes. Scrub with a toothbrush and then flush with water.

Other Cleaners

You can use these cleaners as alternatives to the ones mentioned:

  • Hydrogen peroxide – an eco-friendly alternative to bleach because it is non-toxic. It is effective for cleaning grout and tile because it whitens and disinfects.

  • Dishwashing soap – can remove stains and get tile clean and sparkling

  • Baking soda – acts as a mild scrubber and can remove ground in dirt.

Professional Help

If you have trouble getting your tile walls and floors clean, consider calling your local tile and grout cleaning service in Oklahoma City. They have years of experience and know how to clean your tile surfaces quickly and effectively with the latest in cleaning technology. They also offer high-quality carpet and upholstery cleaning services for your home or business, and their work comes with an excellent guarantee.

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