America depends upon trucks delivering their cargo across the nation. To ensure the transport of materials continues requires more truckers. Trucking companies hiring staff continue to scramble to meet the growing need for drivers of all types. This is one result of trucking being the number one job in the United States.
They Are Number 1
Why does the trucking industry continually rank as the number one employer? Arguably, it is not because of many of the working conditions. Trucking is a lonely job. The hours are long. The wages are often no better than adequate. The conditions of driving along roads in all types of weather are challenging.
Yet, government and other statistics indicate trucking supplies almost 7% of the total number of full-time jobs in the States. The reasons are varied but include the following:
• It is egalitarian – providing a high level of employment to minorities if not women
• It is employment that is increasing and not declining
• The work varies with commercial trucks carrying a wide assortment of goods
• Truck drivers are not threatened by job losses to other countries (offshoring) or even automation
• It is a gateway to owning a small business. Trucking companies are generally small. In fact, the larger percentage of trucking companies – some 91%, is said to own no more than 6 trucks
• Work is steady and so is the paycheque
Today and in the future, trucking companies can deliver on the promise of steady work.
Trucking Companies Hiring as Growth in the Industry Continues
Growth projection for the trucking industry continues. With growth projected to grow approximately 5% until 2028, it is essential for trucking companies hiring staff to increase their recruitment level. Without truckers on the road, America cannot keep the supply of goods and products moving along the highways and byways from coast to coast.