Being accused of a crime or being under investigation means that a person needs a lawyer. However, the decision to hire a lawyer can cause a person some anxiety, especially if it is their first time. One of the most important things a person can do is find the right lawyer for the type of crime they have been accused of.
In the majority of cases, a lawyer will not take a case if he or she has absolutely no training or experience in the area where the client needs help. For example, a divorce lawyer will not take a case that actually requires a criminal defense attorney in Portland, OR. However, it is the job of the client to be sure that the lawyer they work with actually has training and experience in the area where they need a good defense. Just because a lawyer offers a client to get in touch with us, this does not mean it is the right choice for the client.
The client is going to need to be balanced. There are about 4,000 federal crime statutes. This means that finding a lawyer who has handled a specific statute may be difficult to do. What a person really wants is for their criminal defense attorney in Portland, OR, to have experience with the court and the type of process their client is going through.
At The Law Office of Andrew M. Kohlmetz LLC, we have been representing clients for more than 15 years. You are invited to get in touch with us by visiting our website at: website.