Asking the right questions when looking at your housing options can prevent you from making financial mistakes that will cause frustration later. Here are a couple of things to consider when looking at Illinois State University apartments and the costs associated with them.
You need to do more than look at the monthly price associated with student housing. You need to see what is included and think about how you can save money with certain amenities. Also, think about how you will save time and add quality to your life with certain amenities when looking at costs. For example, an apartment that does not include in-unit laundry will likely be cheaper than one that does. However, there will be a layer of inconvenience added to your life when you have to visit a laundromat on a regular basis. You will also have to pay an exaggerated amount for each load you do.
Consider this same idea as you are looking at community features available at Illinois State University apartments. If you work out and want to stay in shape, find an apartment that has a fitness center and amenities that will help you exercise regularly. If the apartment has a fitness center, swimming pool, basketball courts, and walking areas, you won’t have the expense of a gym membership. You will also find that exercising will be more convenient.
Visit to learn how you can enjoy all the amenities at Campus Point that are included in this full-service apartment community and access to a free shuttle bus to ISU.