It is certainly not often that one happens upon the ideal abode while living away at a college. Most student housing complexes are run-down, too expensive, or are otherwise not very unappealing or comfortable to look at or live in. These impressive and ultra-chic modern student apartments near IUPUI must be preferably seen and toured in-person to fully appreciate their beauty and all their additional attributes.
Eat, Laugh, Study, Sleep & Play in Topnotch Apartments That Offer a Posh Lifestyle
All of the incredibly gorgeous units here in these student apartments near the IUPUI campus have just about anything any college student could ever desire or wish for in a home living space. It seems so unlikely that a college-aged student could find such upscale and comfortable apartments that are all fully furnished with high-end decorative additions and plush furniture that is coordinated and modern in style and design.
Live Just a Few Short Blocks from Campus & Near to Many Downtown Attractions
These stunning apartments are located in a safe, quiet, and friendly neighborhood just a few short blocks from all that college campus has to offer its students on a daily basis. This is a secure student housing community that provides a nighttime security team, management on-site, and safe parking inside a secured access parking building. Bike storage, state-of-the-art amenities, and more are all included at no additional charge.
There’s More
Enjoy dips in a resort-inspired pool, relax in a hammock or grill outdoors near the toasty fire pit. To know more, please visit LUX on Capitol today.