Why Granite Countertops Remain Popular

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Construction and Maintenance

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The first celebrity granite countertops were installed by Deborah Sussman, an important graphic designer, in 1986. Since then, production and availability have pushed its growth in popularity. Today, it has only one major challenger in new builds – Quartz. Nevertheless, in cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, granite remains one of the most popular natural materials to comprise a kitchen countertop.

Remaining Popular

Homeowners and construction companies retain affection for granite out of more than simple availability. They know granite possesses certain qualities that make it ideal for countertops for kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms. They know granite countertops are:

  • Durable: Granite produces countertops that are highly resistant to chipping, cracking, heat and scratching. Sealing will increase the level of protection
  • Relatively low maintenance: Granite is resilient and resistant to such things as staining, etching and heat.
  • Easy to clean: All it requires to clean the surface is a soft cloth and a gentle cleaning solution.
  • Appearance: The ability to add any of several desirable finishes results in an aesthetically pleasing countertop. This also allows designers to match the countertop surface with other kitchen elements.
  • Cost-effective: When all factors are taken into consideration, granite countertops are truly cost-effective

The Humble Granite Countertop

In Minneapolis, companies offer customers a variety of materials for the construction of their kitchen countertops. Although marble and quartz increasingly are used in this application, granite still ranks among the most popular materials. Over the years, its qualities have made granite countertops a standard component of many kitchen renovations.

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