Advertising Using Video Streaming Platforms in the United States

by | Apr 19, 2022 | Marketing and Advertising

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Businesses are always looking for new ways to connect with consumers. Many of them have done that in recent years by utilizing social media.

Today, businesses have been expanding their advertising to video streaming platforms. These are some reasons why you should be looking into OTT advertising if you run a business.

Recorded TV and Skipping Commercials

The problem with traditional TV is that consumers can simply skip a commercial if they are watching pre-recorded content. This can make your advertisements completely useless.

With OTT advertising, you can choose to make your commercials un-skippable. This leads to more impressions and overall better brand awareness.

GEO Targeting/GEO Fencing

When you’re trying to market a product or service in a particular area based on your niche demographic, you’ll want to know where that target audience is watching your ads. With OTT advertising, advertisers can specifically target geographic areas via IP addresses so that only viewers in those specific locations are being shown the specific ads.

Unlike traditional TV advertising where your ad will only be shown on the local TV stations and you’re unsure if your exact target audience will even see the ad, OTT advertising allows advertisers to show their ads across any network, to a specific demographic and target a specific geographic location. You have a much better chance of your ad being shown to the exact demographic that you’re wanting to advertise to with that ad.

Advertising Partner

Now that you know the benefits of OTT advertising, it’s time to find a company that can help you get your ad on major networks in front of your target audience. A great OTT advertiser should be responsible for spreading your advertisement across various video streaming platforms for much less expensive than the old traditional way of advertising on cable television.

In the United States, one company has been helping businesses for years and has really stood out amongst the rest. Check out Awarity by going over to their new website at:

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