Co-Mill: What should you know about this milling product?

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Pump Manufacturers

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Co-Mill is designed to reduce the size of the materials. The machine is built in such a way that it consumes low heat, energy and sound during operation. The infeed product is given into the cone mill, from where the material is pushed to the screen surface by centrifugal acceleration. This makes continuous delivery of granules between the impeller and screen, also called the action zone.

In the action zone, the large masses are reduced to a smaller size and sieved through the screen. At the bottom of the milling chamber, you will find the finished product. To optimise the size of the particles, screen, impeller and speed variation are used. Basically, the mill blades that rotate at a very high speed are used to size the particles.

What are the perks of using co-mill?

• Heat generation is low in comparison to other mills as it works on forced pressure.
Co-mill manufacturer makes sure that the output is almost the size of a sieve used.
• As compared to other mills, the fines produced are low.
• Other mills generate more dust in comparison to co-mill.
• Output is more than other mills.

What are the salient features of this mill?

• Co-mill is easy to clean and needs minimum maintenance.
• It comes with a vacuum loading option.
• Co-mill has high safety standards with no external cables.
• It comprises laser drill mesh for dry application.
• It is incorporated with a bin charging loading system, where there is a dust-free loading system for charging and discharging granules.

Are you planning to utilise this machine in your business? Without much ado, get in touch with a Co-mill manufacturer and get the right product. Make sure to check the features and the prices before a final decision.


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