4 Tips to Get Your Garage Ready for New Doors

by | Jun 6, 2022 | Articles

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If you’re thinking about replacing your garage door, make sure you hire pros to handle the installation process. Skip any plans to go with a DIY solution. Any mistakes during the installation could affect the operational efficiency of your new doors in the long term. Keep that from happening by hiring pros to take care of the task instead. Here are three reminders to help you get your garage ready.

Keep Kids and Pets Away

Do you have little kids and pets? Make sure they don’t come to the site during the installation. Let the crew concentrate on the job. Kids and pets could get into the tools and end up hurt. They’re a distraction.

Make Room for the Crew

Let the crew work in peace. Take out your cars and any other clutter from the garage. They won’t have to bump into every little thing when they start installing your new doors. Make sure you pick a crew that has experience handling the doors you picked, though. You’ve already browsed through garage door sales in Medford and chosen the most ideal option for your needs and budget. Don’t ruin your choice with installation mistakes.

Choose the Right Spot

When it’s time to put the wall console or keyless entry pads, make sure you figure out the best spot. The standard location is the wall next to the door that opens to the garage. It should be about five feet above the ground. Any lower, and the kids could reach it. Talk to the installer about the exact spot you want the pads to go.

Make Sure Your Car is Available

If you have a car with the garage door remote control feature, the installer could program this for you. Make sure your car is nearby or available to make this easier.

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