Top 3 Defences of Criminal Law in Singapore

by | May 31, 2023 | Attorney

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There is a wide array of criminal law defences Singapore. However, a defendant is very likely to argue that there are potential loopholes in the prosecution’s case.

While certain defences are plainly raised to prove the prosecution wrong, others are affirmative. But how do you know which are the primary criminal law defences?

Well, in this article, we will discuss the top 3 defences of criminal law. Please keep reading until the end of the article to know more.

  • Alibi

Alibi in criminal law is considered an affirmative defence. So, in case of an alibi, the defendant needs to prove that they were somewhere else at the time of the crime.

  • Involuntary Intoxication

This is a significant lack of intent defence. If the defendant was intoxicated and unaware of their actions, this defence cancels out the intent of most crimes.

  • Self-Defence

This defence might be raised for several crimes like murder, assault, etc., where the defendant justifiably used violence. It is most likely a response to violent actions or the threat of violent actions. However, the force used by the defendant should be proportionate to the force used by the victim.

Now that you know the potential criminal law defences Singapore, things will become much easier. If you are ever charged with any criminal case, it is imperative for you to have a legal representative by your side. The experts will leave no stone unturned to defend and protect you from fines and other criminal liability.

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