Powerful Ergonomic Tweaks to Ease Your Shoulder Pain in Denver, CO

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Pain Management

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People experiencing shoulder pain often assume that they’ll need surgery. But those who’ve looked into regenerative medicine in Denver, CO discover other options. Regenerative medicine focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It typically combines advanced treatments like stem cells with changes to your lifestyle.

This enhances your ability to heal, takes away issues causing the damage, and puts you on a path to healing. With that in mind, you might wonder, what are some ergonomic changes I can make at work or home to prevent shoulder pain?

When you look into regenerative medicine in Denver, CO you’ll typically see evidence of how important it is to listen to your own body. So the first thing you should consider when asking, what are some ergonomic changes I can make at work or home to prevent shoulder pain, is how your body would move under ideal circumstances.

The answer is that your body just plain wants to move. But people typically spend most of their day sitting immobile in a chair. So try to regularly get up from your chair, stretch, get some water, and generally stay as active as you can.

Also, consider adding movable elements to locations where you’re largely sedentary. For example, you can find laptop stands that you can reposition as needed over your day. Likewise, standing desks can be adjusted to different heights. You can learn more by scheduling a consultation with QC Kinetix (Aurora). View Testimonials.

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