Whenever you decide to learn to play the violin, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is what brand of violin you want. The Samuel Shen violin has been around since the late 1980s and offers a quality fiddle without a super-high price.
They have a full, rich sound and are fun to play, according to many musicians, and the company makes other stringed instruments as well, including basses and hybrid basses, among others. If you’re trying to bring your violin playing to the next level, the Shen fiddle is worth checking out.
What Makes Them Different?
Samuel Shen is a musician who started out small and whose company has now grown quite a bit. He set out to make a quality violin that doesn’t cost a fortune, and he’s managed to do just that. A good Samuel Shen violin is usually made out of maple or spruce or similar woods and is available in several different shades and hues. Of course, it isn’t only the beauty of the instrument that makes it stand out; it is also the sound, which is second to none in the violin world.
Always Research the Instrument First
Whenever you’re in the market for a good violin, it’s a good idea to research the quality and reputation of the company that makes the instrument. Taking into consideration the Samuel Shen violin is a smart option, and if you do your research online, it’s even easier to compare different violins so that you get the one that’s right for you in the end.