Allergy Immunotherapy: The Answer to Your Allergies

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Health And fitness

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Most people who have allergies to pet dander, pollen, and even bee stings will resort to using medication to control their allergies. However, there is an alternative. It’s known as allergy immunotherapy. This treatment option allows you to train your immune system to stop reacting to allergens, giving you the peace of being able to enjoy your summer and pets.

How Long Is Treatment?

At first, you’ll see your doctor once or twice a week for a few months. An injection containing a tiny amount of the allergen your body reacts to, such as pet dander, pollen, dust mites, or bee venom, is then given to you. This dose will increase incrementally until you are given what is known as a maintenance dose. During this treatment period, your symptoms improve and might even disappear.

Preparation for Allergy Injections

You might want to avoid doing anything strenuous a few hours before and after your appointment. This is because any type of exercise will increase the blood flow to the tissue and causes your allergen to spread through the body faster. It’s not likely it will cause a problem, but it’s better to be safe. In addition, be sure to tell your medical provider of any medications or herbal supplements you might be taking.

Expectations after Treatment

It’s required to stay at the office for a half an hour after you receive an injection to be sure you don’t develop any side effects, such as runny nose, itchy eyes, or a tight sensation in the chest or throat. These are uncommon.  You will also be required to take an antihistamine on shot days and fill a prescription for an Epi-pen. What might be expected is swelling or irritation near the injection site that will dissipate after four to eight hours.

Do They Work For All Allergens?

This depends on how many things you’re allergic to and how severe the symptoms are to a specific allergen. Usually, an injection works for common allergens like pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and bee stings.

If you are uncomfortable with an injection, there are under the tongue tablets or drops that can be used instead of an injection.

Living with allergies is never a pleasant experience, but there is another option that is all-natural and safe. Allergy immunotherapy is a safe, natural way to train your immune system to stop fighting allergens like pollen and pet dander, giving you a peaceful life.

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