Getting an injury, whether it is on the job or in a vehicle, can devastate your finances and your family. An injury can put you and your family’s security at risk, especially if you are the main source of income for your family. Personal Injury Lawyers in Fort Myers can help you in this difficult time, and ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve for time lost at work, and any pain or suffering you may have experienced.
Personal Injury Lawyers Fort Myers know that with the rise in busier schedules and dangerous work environments, personal injuries are becoming more prevalent. While an attorney can handle cases involving unique circumstances with a personal injury claim, most deal with car, truck and motorcycle accidents. Additionally, most personal injury lawyers handle cases involving workplace accidents, falls and wrongful death.
Your attorney will evaluate the details of your case and develop an effective strategy to win your case. Using one of the Personal Injury Lawyers in Fort Myers, you can rest assured that your attorney is researching your case, collecting evidence and finding witnesses that are willing to testify. Your lawyer will wait until you have received the proper medical treatment for your injuries, and then contact the insurance company with a written explanation of the incident when the injury occurred, how serious your injuries are and how these injuries have impacted your life.
There are three actions an insurance will usually take; they can accept your claim and the amount of compensation you desire, come back with a settlement or deny your claim completely. While a lawyer can give you his or her advice in this situation, it is up to you to make the final decision with your case’s resolution. If you are not happy with what the insurance company has offered, your lawyer will pursue litigation on your behalf.
You shouldn’t let an injury ruin your life, especially if you are entitled to compensation. Hospital bills, rehab and ongoing medication are expensive, and mounting debt can feel overwhelming when you are unable to go back to work. Contacting one of the Personal Injury Lawyers in Fort Myers can help you on the way to getting your life back on track.