In the event you should need a disability lawyer in Florida you should set your sights on a law firm that is seasoned in dealing with the Social Security administration and Social Security disability cases. You should be looking for a law firm that will actively and positively take over the management of your case. Before you go too far in developing your short list of potential lawyers it will help you considerably as you interview them if you have spent a little time becoming familiar with the rules and laws that apply to Social Security disability claims, in this way you will be in a better position to judge the firm based on your question and answer session.
It is not mandatory for a claimant for SSDI to have a lawyer, either at the time of the initial application or even in the event the application is denied, however, as the laws and rules that apply are so complex it is highly advisable, this is particularly true at the appeals stage. Approximately 70 percent of all first time applications for SSDI are denied and even if it is not and your claim is accepted you still may wish to dispute the amount of monetary benefit that you are offered. It is when situations such as this arise that you should begin looking for a capable disability law firm. The appeals process can be drawn out and usually involves the submission of extensive documentation to support the claim; it is often very difficult to compile a winning presentation without the help of a disability lawyer in Florida.
There are many times when a disabled individual who has been denied benefits will turn to public or private agencies that offer assistance and various services. These agencies are quite familiar with law firms that you can turn to for help with your appeal. This is very often the case with those in the health care industry that have provided you with services, they too can often help steer you in the direction of law firms that focus on denial of Social Security benefits. Once you have gathered a few names, contact them, most law firms will give you an opportunity to discuss you situation at no cost. When you do meet with these law firms discuss in as much detail as you can the explicit nature of your disability, in this way you can be assured that the lawyers have had experiences in dealing with cases akin to yours.
Social Security law, rules and regulations are phenomenally complex and they are subject of constant change, as a result the disability lawyer in Florida that you choose should not take these types of cases as a side line. Look into the firms reputation, contact the local bar association to see if any disciplinary action has even been brought against the firm.