Since 1996 Alec Bradley has manufactured cigars that have come to be known as premium cigars the world over. The company is family owned and operated and prides themselves on providing one of the finest cigars manufactured. Special care is taken with the manufacturing of these cigars and includes tobacco production, fermentation and the actual cigar rolling. With such care taken, as a consumer you are assured a perfect blend every time you light up. When you are looking for a smooth draw and premium flavor, this brand of cigar is a favorite of cigar aficionados.
The Many Different Flavors of an AB Cigar
There are at least a dozen different flavors of AB cigars. Such blends include Harvest Selection, Black Market, American Classic and Prensado. Since AB cigars are handled with expertise, all of these blends are combined to provide a perfect smoke. When you see the name Alec Bradley, you are assured a high quality cigar that is sure to prove it’s worth the minute you light up. Every draw is guaranteed to offer premium flavor from an amazing cigar. If you have not smoked an AB cigar before, it is advisable to try a sampler pack. Not only do you get to partake of a superior cigar, you can find the exact flavor that is sure to become a fast favorite.
AB Occidental Reserve
The AB Occidental Reserve is smooth yet complex. It comes from the Dominican Republic and is produced by Hendrik Kelner. Kelner has teamed up with AB to create a cigar of outstanding quality that is enticing while remaining delicate. It is manufactured in the standard Churchill size.
AB Nica Puro Bajito
When you want a cigar that is reminiscent of sweet coffee, then the AB Nica Puro Bajito is the cigar for you. This cigar has a medium-full smoke that combines spices and hints of pepper with the essence of sweet coffee. If you desire an elegant and consistent cigar to smoke, you will be happy indulging in this affordable cigar.
AB Prensado
With a luscious flavor that is delicate and creamy, the AB Prensado easily ranks among the most prestigious cigars available. Every pull of this cigar lingers upon your palette to offer a taste that will heighten your senses. When you are looking for a truly exquisite smoking experience, try the AB Prensado. You may just find your new favorite cigar at a reasonable price.