Commonly Asked Questions About The Removal Of A Honey Bee Swarm In Dublin OH

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Articles

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If you notice a swarm of honey bees on your property, don’t try to remove them yourself. If you’re not a trained professional, this can be a dangerous job. Instead of taking the chance of getting stung by a swarm of angry bees, contact a company that specializes in the removal of a Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin OH. Below you’ll learn the answers to commonly asked questions about honey bee swarms on your property.

Q.) What causes honey bees to swarm and are swarms dangerous?

A.) When a bee colony gets overpopulated, the queen bee and about half of the colony leave to find a new home. This swarm of bees will land on an object, often a shrub or a tree limb, while the worker bees find a new home. Depending on how long it takes the worker bees to locate a new habitat, the swarm may remain waiting for a few hours up to a couple of days. Most of the time, a swarm of bees are not dangerous and if you leave them alone, they won’t be aggressive. If you have children or pets, keep them away from the swarm, just in case the bees would feel threatened. If you would feel more comfortable with the bees out of your yard, call a company that is honey bee swarm removal in Dublin OH.

Q.) Is there a safe way to scare the bees out of the yard?

A.) Never try to scare the bees away by hosing them down with a water hose, waving your arms or throwing an object at them. These actions will alarm the bees and they may try to sting you in self defense. If you need to have the swarm removed from your yard, contact a professional for the removal of the Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin OH.

The Wildlife Control Company consists of a team of experienced professionals who provide humane wildlife control services. Visit their website at to contact the company for Opossum Removal, snake removal, honey bee swarms or any other type of nuisance animal removal.

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