Connected TV Advertising Companies vs. Full Service Ad Agencies

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Marketing and Advertising

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With the rise of Connected TV advertising, marketers have an important decision to make: should they work with specialized Connected TV advertising companies or full-service ad agencies? The decision could significantly impact the success of a company’s advertising efforts. Let’s explore the differences between the two so you can make an informed decision.

Connected TV Advertising Companies: Connected TV advertising companies specialize in advertising specifically for Connected TV devices. They typically have a deep understanding of the technology and are able to provide data-driven insights that are specific to Connected TV advertising. These companies also have strong relationships with publishers and can help marketers connect with audiences across a variety of streaming services.

Full-Service Ad Agencies: Full-service ad agencies, on the other hand, offer a wider range of services, including TV, radio, print, and digital advertising. They often have expertise across a variety of mediums and can provide a more holistic approach to advertising. Additionally, full-service agencies offer more hands-on management of campaigns, taking work off of your plate. Many full-service agencies have also been adapting to the rise of Connected TV advertising and have begun to offer specialized services.

Specialization vs. Holistic Approach: The decision to work with a Connected TV advertising company versus a full-service agency often comes down to whether the marketer wants a specialized or holisitic approach. If the marketer is solely focused on Connected TV advertising and wants to leverage the latest technology and data-driven insights, a Connected TV advertising company may be the best fit. However, if the marketer is looking for a comprehensive approach that includes Connected TV advertising alongside other mediums with less hands-on management from their own team, a full-service agency may be the better choice.

Cost: Another important factor to consider is cost. Since Connected TV advertising companies are specialists, they may be able to deliver media at a lower cost. Full-service ad agencies may also be able to offer more competitive rates on Connected TV, however it’s likely to be bundled with other services, management fees, retainers, and other costs.

Measurement and Analytics: When it comes to measuring the success of Connected TV advertising efforts, there are often unique challenges when compared to other forms of advertising. Connected TV advertising companies are typically equipped to handle these challenges and offer specific measurement tools that are tailored to Connected TV devices. Full-service ad agencies often have access to more traditional measurement tools, which may not be as effective when it comes to measuring Connected TV advertising success.

Marketers looking to explore Connected TV advertising have the choice of whether to work with specialized Connected TV advertising companies or full-service ad agencies. Both options have their advantages and drawbacks, and the decision ultimately comes down to your goals, budget, and preferred approach to advertising. By considering the factors explored in this post, marketers can make an informed decision that will help them achieve success in their Connected TV advertising efforts.

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