Consider the Following When It Comes to Honey Bee Removal in Pittsburgh

by | May 26, 2020 | Pest Control

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Beekeeper services are called upon every year, all over the United States, for advice on whether or not honey bees should be eradicated or removed from homes and businesses alike. Giving this type of advice is difficult as no two scenarios are the same and each case requires on-site inspection. Consider the following information when contemplating what needs to be done to provide a service such as Honey bee removal in Pittsburgh.

Successful removal of a honey bee nest often requires a team of professionals beyond just the beekeeper. A carpenter needs to dismantle and reassemble the wall to access the nest and depending on the utilities encountered a plumber and electrician might also be needed at some point. Finally, if the nest is deemed impractical to remove, then a licensed pest control professional is needed to eradicate the honey bees. Since more than 1/3 of the crops in the United States depend on honey bees for pollination destroying the nest should be considered the last resort.

Before contacting a company such as website the homeowner should first positively identify the insect if possible. Not all flying insects prefer the same setting for nests, for example, bumble bees prefer insulation over wall cavities. Whereas honey bees like the protection that wall cavities provide without the insulation, making older homes vulnerable If the nest can be safely observed, look for a honeycomb made from wax as opposed to a nest made from mud or paper.

Honey bee removal in Pittsburgh is a complex task requiring the assistance of professionals. Oftentimes it is difficult, if not impossible, for homeowners to find beekeepers interested in removing a nest from a residence. For many, it simply isn’t worth the effort or time. Beekeepers have sources for economically replenishing honey bees raised from specific lines and can also increase their colonies by splitting their current hives.

The best time of year for removing a honey bee nest is the late winter or very early spring. If the wall can be readily dismantled to expose the nest it makes the process easier. The beekeeper will either cut out the comb and place it in special frames or use a specialized vacuum that gently and without harm, removes the bees. Often the best course of action is to leave them alone if safety is not a concern.

For more information visit The Bee Man.

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