Considering Whether to Replace Oil Residential HVAC Systems in Gainesville FL With Natural Gas Models

by | Sep 26, 2016 | HVAC Contractor

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When it comes to furnaces, Residential HVAC Systems in Gainesville FL usually involve an appliance fueled by natural gas or liquid propane gas. Oil furnaces are much rarer in this part of the country than they are in the northeast, but some residents do have them. People who buy residential real estate in the area have a bit of a learning curve with an oil furnace if they have always relied on natural gas supplied through a utility service. The heating oil service is more similar to that of propane furnaces, which require delivery of the fuel by truck to a tank on the property.

Homeowners with an oil furnace who would rather switch to natural gas can hire a contractor who installs Residential HVAC Systems in Gainesville FL. It makes sense to wait until getting a new furnace is advisable instead of having a properly functioning appliance replaced. It’s true that a newer model will be more energy efficient and save money on utility bills. In addition, heating oil prices fluctuate throughout the winter, whereas natural gas prices tend to be more stable. However, it takes homeowners a long time to recoup the cost of a new furnace through energy savings. That’s especially true in a mild climate like that of the Gainesville area.

Of course, the owners may have a definitive desire for a natural gas furnace for various reasons. They may not like having an oil tank on their property, for example. They may feel the tank is an eyesore if it’s outside, in view of the neighbors and passersby. They may be bothered by the relative inefficiency of oil furnaces as compared with natural gas models if they are concerned about environmental factors, including climate change. People who have never relied on oil or propane delivery before may simply find the entire process too inconvenient. They may not like the idea of a delivery truck arriving at seemingly random intervals and filling the tank. As soon as they are ready for new furnace installation, they may call a contractor such as Charles Berg Enterprises and schedule the appointment.

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