Cremations in Cincinnati: Tips for What to do with the Remains

by | Apr 1, 2014 | Articles

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When deciding on Cremations Cincinnati residents often wonder what they can do with the ashes once the process is completed. It is estimated that the annual number of cremations in the United States is bordering on one million people or more. The top options for what to do with your loved ones remains are to dispose of, keep, or enshrine them. If these options don’t appeal to you, read on below for a few more. Click here for more information.

Scatter them on Land
Pros: The process is free, and you can do it in a place that they would love. Remember, to get permission from the owner if you are scattering the ashes on private land.
Cons: You can’t put up a memorial marker if you scatter the ashes. It might be best to talk to everyone in the family, before you make this type of decision.

Scatter them at Sea
Pros: If your loved one was a sea lover, then this is a low-cost and fitting option. Remember the U.S. maritime requirement is that you travel at least three miles out to sea to scatter the ashes, so you will need a boat.
Cons: You have to be careful not to let the wind blow the ashes back in your face, and once again, you cannot put a memorial marker up in the sea.

Scatter them by Air
Pros: This is a great send off for anyone who loved being in the air. For example, if your father was a pilot, this is a great way to show your respects.
Cons: You won’t be able to find their resting place and this can get quite expensive.

Bury them in a Cemetery
Pros: When searching for Cremations Cincinnati residents can bury the remains in a cemetery for less than if you were having a traditional funeral. The family will then have a place to visit and remember the deceased.

Cons: Even the smallest of cemetery plots can run you anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

If you are trying to make the decision on whether to have your loved one cremated or give them a traditional burial, you can contact B.J. Meyer Sons Funeral Homes for more information today.

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