Dealing with a Child Custody Battle in Dearborn Heights

by | Mar 26, 2013 | Articles

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In some cases, child custody can be decided amicably between the two parents. Custody can be shared so both parents care for the child or children, or one parent can get sole custody with the other parent paying child support. If both parents agree to a child custody ruling, things can go smoothly both during the hearing and in their new lives. However, there are plenty of cases in Dearborn Heights where the two parents do not agree about who should have access to their child. Child custody battles can be especially harmful, both to the future relationship of both parents and to the child or children in question.

The Ideal vs. Reality

So what would be the ideal scenario in a child custody case? The ideal can be different for every parent. In some relationships, it is clear that one parent will have primary custody, while the other will have visitation rights and will have some time with their child as well. Both parents may agree that the child custody should be split somewhat unevenly, and special cases like vacations and holidays can be decided based on other factors. For some couples, the ideal is a 50/50 split, so that the child spends the same amount of time with each parent.

In reality, though, most child custody cases are not so easily settled. Often the parents disagree about the details. Perhaps they agree that split custody makes sense, but one parent believes they should have the child during the entire week, with the other parent taking the child on the weekend. At the same time, the other parent may feel that this is unfair because they want some weekends to themselves. In many ways, the reality of a child custody battle is that it’s more like a negotiation. One party will give in to some demands in exchange for other concessions.

Figuring Out What is Important

For people in Dearborn Heights, fighting a child custody case can be hard and sad. A lot of emotions fly around and this can cause a lot of unnecessary harm. The fact is that both parties would benefit from taking a step back and thinking about what is really important. Does the child benefit from staying at one home because of proximity to their school? Are there other factors which change how the child will live depending on the outcome of the child custody case? And what does the child want to do? Answering these questions may not make it emotionally easier to figure out child custody, but it may shorten the process and help you find a solution.

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