Deciding Between Traditional and More Unusual Wedding Banquets in Fort Wayne IN

by | Aug 6, 2018 | Catering

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Wedding Banquets in Fort Wayne IN range from customary and traditional to the unusual and unexpected. Some couples follow family or religious traditions, while others set forth on a new path. Nevertheless, every wedding and its reception is unique. Having a superb catering service is important if the couple wants to have excellent food brought to a specific location.

Vegetarian Newly weds

In some families, and in some parts of the country, fried or baked chicken is a very common wedding banquet meal. What happens when the engaged couple has given up eating meat? They may still want to include some meat on the menu to be served by caterers of wedding banquets in Fort Wayne IN, as they know many guests will appreciate it. However, if they have strong ethical beliefs about this, they may ask the caterers to create a delicious array of vegetarian foods that will impress every guest.


A wedding cake is, of course, a standard feature of a dinner after the nuptials. Some couples decide against the cake and choose something entirely different. They’re not big on the pomp and circumstance associated with cutting a tiered cake and feeding some of it to each other. They really don’t want to deal with pressure from friends and family to smash some cake into each other’s faces, which they find to be rather crass.

Instead, the couple may ask the caterers to bring platters of cupcakes so everyone can choose a flavour they particularly like. Having several kinds of fruit pies on hand is another possibility. There should be plenty for everyone so nobody misses out by not grabbing something quickly.


What about beverages at a location such as Classic Cafe Catering and Event Center? Couples almost never want to offer a free, open bar, knowing that tends to result in a high and widespread level of intoxication. If they do want to give away some free alcohol, this might be in the form of a bottle of wine at each table. Other free beverages could include soft drinks and coffee. A cash bar can be made available. Visit us to learn more about a local catering service.

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