Dental Abscess Treatments from Emergency Dentists in Vancouver, WA

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Dental Services

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A dental abscess refers to a severe infection of the pulp, which is located in the center of your tooth. There are nerves and blood vessels inside the pulp, and if it becomes infected, you will need to visit an emergency dentist in Vancouver, WA, as soon as possible so that your tooth can be saved. Here are some treatment interventions your dentist may recommend to treat your symptoms and the infection.

Pain Relief

An abscessed tooth can cause severe throbbing tooth pain. Your dentist can apply a topical anesthetic gel to the soft tissue surrounding the affected tooth to numb your pain. Excruciating pain can also be managed with an injection of a local anesthetic. It is important to note that while most dental abscesses cause pain, long-standing pulp infections may destroy the nerve in your tooth, and because of this, pain may be minimal or absent.

Removing Infected Material and Antibiotics

Your emergency dentist in Vancouver, WA, will also carefully clean your abscessed tooth, ensuring that all the infected material has been removed. They may instill an antibiotic solution inside the space to treat the infection. Alongside topical antibiotics, your dentist may prescribe a course of oral antibiotics. While these conservative treatment options can effectively address your abscess, your dentist may refer you to an endodontist for further evaluation and root canal treatment.

To schedule an appointment for an examination, contact Today’s Dentistry through their website.

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